What is basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

BMR stands for basal metabolic rate. It’s sometimes written as metabolic basal rate or basal metabolism.

This is a score that is used to determine the amount of energy your body needs to carry out the most basic functions which keep you alive whilst you are in a resting state. This is calculated using a formula and is based on certain physical characteristics which are unique to you.1

We all need energy to fuel breathing, the heartbeat, nervous system communication, digestion, the endocrine system and more. So, even when the body is completely at rest or asleep, we are burning energy.

We measure how much energy we use to fuel basic bodily functions in calories.

How many calories an individual burns to fuel basic bodily functions is their basal metabolic rate (BMR) and varies from person to person.

An individual’s BMR can vary depending on certain factors, including height, weight, genetics, body composition, age and gender.

For example, muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. So, if you have more muscle than fat, then your BMR will be higher than someone with more body fat.